... designed a first-of-its-kind competency modeling system for our international client ...

Henry Vanston has been an essential contributor to CooperComm with a variety of managerial and IT projects. He has bridged the gap between technical issues and managers/users in generating solutions that “move the needle” for business results. Henry has the technical acumen, the business skills, and the communications skills required for successful projects.

For an international consumer goods firm, Henry helped CooperComm design and automate a first-of-its-kind comprehensive competency modeling system for its field sales force. Henry's state-of-the-art work was featured in the book, Effective Competency Modeling & Reporting (American Management Association).

In another engagement for a nationally recognized distributor, Henry served as a leadership guru and process improvement team coach at multiple locations, supporting a business transformation process implementing Baldrige criteria elements, cascading balanced scorecards, and quality improvement. The client subsequently generated record business results and was chosen company of the year in its industry by its leading industry publication.

Ken Cooper
CooperComm, Inc.
Author of The Relational Enterprise

Ready for a first-of-its-kind solution for your business? Contact Henry for a free initial consultation.

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